Is Arkansas a Good Place to Farm? Pros and Cons to Consider

Farming in Arkansas has been a way of life for generations. The state’s fertile soil, abundant water resources, and temperate climate make it an attractive place for farmers.

But is Arkansas a good place to farm? The answer is a resounding yes.

Arkansas has a diverse agricultural industry that includes rice, soybeans, cotton, poultry, and cattle.

The state is the leading producer of rice in the United States and is also a major producer of soybeans and cotton.

According to the Arkansas Farm Bureau, the state’s agriculture industry contributes more than $16 billion to the state’s economy each year and provides jobs for more than 260,000 Arkansans.

Additionally, Arkansas has a supportive agricultural infrastructure that includes research institutions, extension services, and farmer education programs.

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture provides research and extension services to the state’s farmers, helping them increase productivity and profitability.

The Arkansas Farm Bureau offers educational programs and resources to help farmers stay informed and up-to-date on the latest industry trends and practices.

Climate and Soil Conditions in Arkansas

Arkansas has a humid subtropical climate, which is characterized by hot and humid summers and mild winters.

The state receives an average of 51 inches of rain per year, which is higher than the US average of 38 inches.

The state also experiences moderate to heavy snowfall in some areas during winter, with an average of 4 inches of snow per year.

Despite the humidity, Arkansas has a diverse range of soil types, making it an ideal place for farming. The state’s soil is divided into three main regions: the Ozark Mountains, the Arkansas River Valley, and the Coastal Plain.

The Ozark Mountains have shallow, rocky soil that is suitable for grazing livestock and growing fruit trees.

The Arkansas River Valley has deep, fertile soil that is ideal for growing crops like rice, soybeans, and cotton.

The Coastal Plain has sandy soil that is best suited for growing crops like peanuts, sweet potatoes, and watermelons.

The climate and soil conditions in Arkansas make it a good place to farm. Farmers in the state have access to abundant water resources, including the Arkansas River and the Mississippi River, which provide irrigation for crops.

The state also has a long growing season, with an average of 217 sunny days per year, giving farmers plenty of time to grow and harvest crops.

Agricultural Products in Arkansas

Arkansas is a state that is rich in agricultural resources. The state’s fertile soil and favorable climate make it an ideal place for farming. Arkansas is known for producing a variety of agricultural products, including:

  • Rice: Arkansas is the leading producer of rice in the United States, accounting for nearly 50% of the nation’s rice production. The state’s rice farms cover more than 1.3 million acres.
  • Soybeans: Soybeans are another major crop in Arkansas, with the state ranking among the top 10 soybean-producing states in the country.
  • Cotton: Arkansas is the nation’s fifth-largest cotton producer, with cotton farms covering more than 400,000 acres.
  • Wheat: Arkansas is a significant producer of wheat, with the state’s wheat farms covering more than 200,000 acres.
  • Corn: Corn is another major crop in Arkansas, with the state ranking among the top 20 corn-producing states in the country.
  • Poultry: Arkansas is a leading producer of broiler chickens, with the state’s poultry industry contributing more than $3 billion to the state’s economy.

In addition to these crops, Arkansas farmers also produce a variety of other agricultural products, including beef, pork, dairy, and fruits and vegetables.

The state is also home to a thriving forestry industry, with timber being one of Arkansas’s top agricultural commodities.

Overall, Arkansas’s diverse agricultural industry provides a significant contribution to the state’s economy and offers ample opportunities for farmers and ranchers to thrive.

Challenges and Opportunities for Farmers in Arkansas

Arkansas is a state with a diverse agricultural industry, but like any other state, it has its own set of challenges and opportunities for farmers. Here are some of the main challenges and opportunities that farmers in Arkansas face:


  • Weather: Arkansas has a humid subtropical climate, which means that farmers are vulnerable to extreme weather events such as flooding, drought, and tornadoes. These events can damage crops and infrastructure, and also create challenges for irrigation and drainage.
  • Competition: Arkansas is home to a large number of farms, which means that farmers face stiff competition for land, labor, and resources. This can make it difficult for small and new farmers to establish themselves in the industry.
  • Regulations: Farmers in Arkansas must comply with a range of federal, state, and local regulations related to farming practices, environmental protection, and food safety. These regulations can be complex and costly to implement, which can create barriers to entry for some farmers.


  • Local food movement: There is a growing demand for locally grown and produced food in Arkansas, which presents an opportunity for farmers to sell their products directly to consumers through farmers’ markets, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, and other channels.
  • Support services: Arkansas has a range of organizations and programs that provide support and resources to farmers, including the Center for Arkansas Farms and Food, the Arkansas Farm Bureau, and the Arkansas Agriculture Department. These organizations offer training, networking, and funding opportunities to help farmers succeed.
  • Diversification: Arkansas has a diverse agricultural industry that includes crops such as rice, soybeans, cotton, and poultry, as well as livestock and forestry. This diversity can help farmers mitigate risk and take advantage of market opportunities.

In summary, while there are challenges that farmers in Arkansas face, there are also opportunities for those who are willing to work hard and take advantage of the resources available to them.

By staying informed, networking with other farmers, and diversifying their operations, farmers in Arkansas can succeed in this competitive industry.


Based on the information gathered, it is safe to say that Arkansas is a good place to farm. The state’s Right-to-Farm law protects agricultural and forest land, making it easier for farmers to operate without fear of litigation.

Additionally, the state’s agriculture industry is diverse, with crops ranging from rice and soybeans to poultry and cattle.

Arkansas also has a favorable climate for farming, with mild winters and long growing seasons. The state’s soil is also rich in nutrients, making it ideal for growing crops.

In fact, agricultural land values in Arkansas have increased by 4.7% in recent years, indicating a strong demand for farmland in the state.

Furthermore, the state has made efforts to promote farm-to-table initiatives, such as the Farm to Early Childhood Education program, which aims to connect local farmers with early childhood education centers to provide fresh, healthy food to children. This shows a commitment to supporting local agriculture and promoting healthy eating habits.

Overall, with its favorable climate, diverse agriculture industry, and supportive policies, Arkansas is a great place for farmers to operate and thrive.

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